Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting Started with Android Using Eclipse

Android is growing continually in terms of devices and applications. If you want to program apps for the Android platform, you have to carry out a series of distinct steps. Initially, you need to create a development environment on your computer with all of the tools you need to get started. Setting up your environment is not typically difficult. Android application development is challenging, but anyone can learn it. As with any programming task, it's best to learn the key skills involved one at a time and build on your knowledge incrementally.


Download the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment. All of the official Android development tools and resources are aimed at developing in Eclipse, so this is the ideal environment to use. Visit the Eclipse Foundation website, download and install the application. You will also need the Java Development Kit. If you do not already have it, visit the Java section on the Oracle website and download the latest JDK, following the installation instructions on the site.

Download the Android Software Development Kit. This resource contains the tools for developing Android apps. Visit the Android SDK download page on the official Android Developers Guide website and select the correct version for your operating system, then download and install it. In Eclipse, install the Android Developer Tools plugin by choosing "Select," "Install New Software" then entering the following location in the "Add Repository" dialog:

Enter "ADT Plugin" as the name and click "OK" to install the tool.

Create a new project for each Android app you want to develop. Each time you create an Android project, you need to enter details of its application and package name, as well as which versions of the SDK you wish to target. You can create user interface designs for your app user interfaces using the XML layout files within your projects. Create an Activity for each screen within your application, implementing your program logic in Java code.

Enter the application version details for your Android projects in their Manifest files. Here you can add an incremental version number and name each time you upgrade an app. You can test and run your Android apps on your own Android devices while you are developing them. Within Eclipse, you can also use the Android Virtual Device Manager to run your apps on devices with hardware and software specifications of your choice


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